Saturday, November 7, 2009

TEENS SURVEY: where's my mobile ?

do u constantly check to see if your mobile is in place ? Norbert Rego discovers that's a phobia too

if ur like most people , ur fingers may ,from time to time ache from tooo much sms ing or you may repeatedly check to see if ur phone is there , even it has'nt rung. so, just how hooked are we on technology ?
"Life without a mobile phone is like life without oxygen."
says 24- year - old PR exicutive sachine kodiyal.
" Today , i am fully connected - not just via phone and sms, but via the web connectivity . the mobile phone brings not only convenience , but saftey as well."

for avneet sharma , 28-year-old it professional, the world ends when his cellphone doesn't work. "i feel the world has slowed down and nothing is moving."

To fear the lack of a cellphone is now officially a condition, called 'nomophobia'.
it is a fear of not being able to stay connected by mobile all the time . a mobile phone helps you feel secure and closer to ur dear and near ones . but when you realise that its battery is running out of charge or you need to go to a place where there is no net work coverage , you get anxious and your stress levels go up . these r the signs u may be suffering from it.

according to the study , it affects 48 percent women and 58 percent men and is spreding, impacting health and social life.

"losing mobile contact with children, parents,friends,colleagues or or coustemers can be stress full and worrying experience . mobile phones have become lifelines for connecting to family, friends, colleagues and have grown more and more impactful,"

tips for avoiding loss of mobile contact

1. carry your in a buttoned or zipped section/pocket.
2. avoid putting it down in public places.
3. createa back-up of your adderess book.
4. make sure you charge your battery before you leave the house.
5. beefore travelling , ansur you activate roaming.
6.activate voice mail.
7. limit the number of times your reach for the phone. set your own milestone-only when it rings . set the phone to vibrate mode if u are in a crowed place where you may not be able to hear it.
8.try to switch of ur phones for small periods every time you are free - maybe your lunch hour , or for an hour every evening. give fmil a lindline number where they can call if its urgent.

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